
Help your employees become more resilient in the new year

blog author
Nov 17, 2021

The new year creates an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to focus on personal goals. Many clients run activity challenges at the beginning of the year to help their employees prioritize health in the new year.

However, New Year's resolutions rarely stick. Roughly 8% of Americans who set New Year's goals actually achieve them. In fact, 80% of people abandon their New Year's resolutions by February.*

This year, help your employees reach their goals by focusing on resilience. Our Climb to the Top challenge explores grit, overcoming fear, and taking risks.

Encourage your employees to dream big and take the risks needed to overcome life's challenges. Help them understand that failure is part of the journey to success, and that periodic stumbles shouldn't keep them from reaching their goals.

This challenge embraces the messiness of adversity. As participants move in real life, they will virtually progress up a mountainside. Along the way, they will unlock motivating content that provides encouragement and discover tools to help them reach their goals, even if they stumble.

Climb to the Top is a fun way to kick off the new year. However, building resilience can be a focus at any time during the year. Incorporate a Climb to the Top challenge in your wellness programming by following this guide.


Follow these specifications when creating your challenge in the Admin Center.

Challenge Name: Climb to the Top

Challenge Modes & Goals:

  • Virtual Race - Reach 60 miles by challenge end
  • Stick to It - Reach 20 active minutes* at least 10 days during the challenge

Consider enabling manual activity entry and the activity converter*, which will allow participants to manually enter active minutes. Participants using an iPhone as their device (instead of a wearable device) will not be able to sync active minutes automatically, since the Apple Health app does not track active minutes on its own.

Duration: 30 days


Need motivation to achieve your goals? Get inspired to overcome obstacles as we make our way through the Climb to the Top map! As you move in real life, you'll virtually climb up a mountainside and unlock the secret to persevering through the toughest of challenges.

Challenge goals:

🚀 Complete a 60-mile virtual race

🌟 Move 20 active minutes a day for at least 20 days

Ready to get moving? Set your sights high, and let's climb to the top!

Head to the Admin Center to create the challenge now.


Challenge Invitation

Send this invitation as an in-app announcement and as a message in Slack, Teams, or email.

When: 7 days prior to challenge start

Title: Let's Build Resilience

Optional Image:

view of mountains in the distance


Join our company-wide health and fitness challenge, starting [XX DATE] on the MoveSpring app. Each participant will work to complete a 60-mile virtual race. As you move in real life, you will unlock content that explores grit, overcoming fear, and taking risks.

Follow these steps to sign up:

  1. Click this link: [INSERT CHALLENGE LINK]
  2. Connect & sync your device

If you have technical questions or issues, contact the MoveSpring support team.

Happy stepping!

Challenge Announcement

Get your users engaged from day 1 by sending an in-app announcement that promotes your challenge and encourages users to engage via chat.

When: First day of challenge

Title: Let's climb to the top!

Optional Image:

motivational quote

Recipients: Send to challenge participants


Today kicks off our Climb to the Top challenge! Every step gets you one inch closer to the finish line and every minute gets you closer to the active minutes goal.

Make sure you're syncing distance and active minutes from your connected device. Contact the MoveSpring support team if you need any help with syncing.

Check out the chat and join in the conversation there! Let's help keep each other motivated by sharing how you'll be getting active during this challenge.

Let's go!

Chat Prompt

All chat messages should be posted from your MoveSpring account in the mobile app or from the MoveSpring web app in the challenge chat.

Kick your challenge off by encouraging users to share how they plan to get active throughout the challenge. Be sure to include your plan in the placeholders below.


Climb to the Top starts today! Get ready for fun, adventure and lots of steps.

To kick things off, share how you plan to keep active during the challenge, whether you're starting a new habit, or sticking with a routine that works for you!

[EXAMPLE: I'm going to start taking a 20 minute walk during my lunch break 👟 ]


Reward your users who complete the Virtual Race and the Stick to It goal.

We suggest prizes that will reinforce the themes of the challenge, such as goal setting, trying new things, and taking risks.

Prize Ideas

For completing the Virtual Race goal:

For completing the Stick to It goal (raffle):

Want more challenge templates? Ask your client success rep about our Ultimate plan.


Start your wellness program today