An easy-to-use wellbeing platform for happy, healthy employees.

Promote goal setting, improve company culture, and support mental and physical wellbeing with MoveSpring.

two mobile devices displaying target progress and earned badge

Make fitness fun at your organization

Encourage your employees to get moving with some friendly competition. Run a company fitness challenge.

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Nine challenge modes that are accessible for all fitness levels

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Promote simple, consistent movement

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Reduce sedentary time

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Compete on steps, distance, minutes, or a custom activity

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Participate as a team, group, or individual

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Option for employees to create their own smaller challenges

Connect a variety of wearable devices

Allow your employees to use their preferred fitness tracker. No wearable device? Connect a smartphone or enter data manually. Inclusive and easy for all.

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Connect Polar, Xiamoni, and more through iPhone and Android with Apple Health and Google Fit

Track personal progress and achievements

animation of activity dashboard

Activity Insights

Employees can easily track their progress and fitness goals over time. Track weekly, monthly, and yearly trends for steps, distance, and active minutes.

movespring badge


Celebrate every achievement with badges. Employees can earn badges for consistent or improved activity, engaging with the community, and participating in challenges.

Remote workforce?

See how MoveSpring can help keep your remote workers happy, healthy, and connected.

map displaying users across globe
benefits enrollment annoucement

Activate with targeted announcements

Send customizable announcements to your employees. Include a call-to-action that links directly to another website or portal.

Encourage benefits enrollment

Promote key health actions to specific segments of employees

Keep employees updated on company events or changes

Request a demo

Engage with a community and boost company culture

Give your employees a reason to connect on something other than work. Activity challenges bring employees together across teams, departments, and locations.

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Stay connected with chat

A great way for employees to check in and cheer each other on. Ability to send photos, add reactions, and reply in a thread.

MoveSpring profile displaying stats

Find motivation with friends

Add friends to keep track of each other’s daily steps and activity, chat via direct messages, and more.

Best buy donation summary. $88,098 donated and a $57 average donation.

Incorporate charitable giving

Step for a greater good. Incorporate a charitable giving component to your wellness program.

Easy to manage. Easy to use.

Our simple and intuitive Admin Center allows you to create a corporate wellness program in minutes, not hours.

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Easy challenge creation

Create a company fitness challenge in less than 60 seconds

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Pull reports for challenge scores, user engagement, and population trends

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User management

Easily tag, filter, and manage users

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Share content

Upload customizable content in just a few clicks

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Real-time dashboard

Check stats and trends with a real-time dashboard

Configure to your needs

Our platform can be used
out-of-the-box or configured to your needs. Easily enable or disable certain features, include co-branding, sponsors, and more.

We ❤️ our customers

Helps retain and improve engagement

In the past 18 months our business had been sold/acquired, restructured and reshaped and of course the Coronavirus pandemic. During all of this MoveSpring gave us the platform to not only keep our employees engaged, but support their wellbeing and togetherness during such difficult times. The platform was not just about exercise, it was about communication, sharing stories, photos, friendly challengers/banter and incentives. It raised morale which in turn helped the business be better connected to the people.

customer picture
James F., admin at mid-sized company

Step up your corporate wellness program

Request a demo