Boost engagement with user-created challenges

Save time and boost engagement in between company-wide challenges. Allow users to create their own, smaller challenges.

phone showing module notifying user that a challenge has successfully been created

How it works

Users can easily create a challenge and stay engaged year-round.

phone displaying different challenges modes - leaderboard, daily habit, streak, and target - that a user can select

Choose a challenge

Users can select from Leaderboard, Daily Habit, Streak, and Target challenge modes. Users determine their own challenge goal and can compete on steps, active minutes, distance, or a custom daily habit.

phone with an overlay that displays the duration of a challenge. The user has selected 14 days.

Select a duration

Keep it short and sweet. User-created step challenges can last anywhere from one to 31 days.

phone display friend invitation screen. Each friend is displayed in a row and the user can invite them by pressing a button on the right.

Invite friends

Users can invite other users in your organization to join the challenge.

Note: users can only invite other people who are part of their organization on MoveSpring.

Benefits of user-created challenges

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Increase user engagement and participation by giving users more ownership over their challenge experience

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A great way to fill the down time between company-wide challenges without creating any work for admins

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Users are more likely to prioritize their health if there are more ways to engage and personalize the experience

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Get the most out of your MoveSpring subscription with participants using the app year-round, regardless of your challenge schedule

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Users become champions of your wellness program by creating and promoting challenges with their coworkers

Ready to step it up?

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